Things were a little different this year with Christmas. My family celebrated a week early because my sister had lots going on in Texas..
.... (definition of lots= All of the following the WEEK OF CHRISTMAS..... Due with a baby, 2 childrens birthdays, husbands birthday, Anniversary, the babies baby blessing, childs baptism and of course Christmas Eve & Christmas Day!!!! Yes, all the week of Christmas.... can you imagine? Well, Audrey you're truly amazing & I
only hope someday to be more like you, LOV
E YOU TONS!!) Anyway, so my mom & little brother went to help out in Texas so we did our thing early.
Kinley is just loving that she finally gets the go-ahead to play with paper. No picture of her adorable minkie blankie that grandma made inside, but believe me it's adorable.
We weren't sure if Chloe would give up her old blankie for her new minkie blankie... but no worries. The old blanket in the back & just loving the new one. My mom is super talented with sewing so we are very spoiled. I am just a little worried though because I don't know all the tricks.
Chloe was just loving the month. We did an advent calendar most nights (we were slackers & forgot on the others). We drove around a bunch looking at the lights. We obviously saw Santa a whole bunch. Watched lots of Christmas shows (Barney's Christmas episode especially). She loved helping turn the lights on everyday for the tree & the house. She enjoyed reading the childrens version of the nativity & the Snowmen book. She loved seeing all the treats that mom kept around the house... which was too many:) She loves putting on her winter coat which can be quite the process because she will not go anywhere until the zipper & ALL the snaps are done up, her gloves on & in her pockets with the hood on. Which is fine until we go to church & the last thing I want on is her hood to mess up her hair, oh well.
Christmas morning Chloe was excited to see that Santa left her her very own Red Flyer, pink tricycle.

and a LeapPad
Kinley on the other hand was just happy to be there like always.

The morning continued on & Kinley surprisingly got somewhat fussy so we didn't take her to church with us... so I missed the picture with both of them in their matching Christmas dresses:(.

Chloe & Sienna sharing the tricycle around the house.
They both got LeapPads... so they were enjoying being busy with them.
Sienna and Kinley
Our somewhat family picture. The two girls were off their schedules bad... when Kinley finally fell asleep and woke up Chloe had fallen asleep.

While we're smiling.... Chloe is sleeping
When we finally got home and both girls got some rest Chloe made sure that they got to play in their new sleeping bags & blankies. They were both very very spoiled this year!!
What a special time of year it has been. It was fun to go to church on Christmas Day & celebrate the Saviors birthday through beautiful music. I love being a mom especially with fun days like these it makes every second so memorable!!!
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