Kinley is 6 months old!!!
As you can see this little princess of ours just makes you want to smile. Her smile & laugh is so contagious. Everyone is so shocked on how differently she looks compared to Chloe.... which is true, they are completes opposites.
Chloe- Blonde..... Kinley-Bernette
Chloe- Blue eyed..... Kinley- Brownish/green
Chloe- Pale Skin..... Kinley- Olive
The list goes on with how different they are (which I love) but the one thing they have in common is there adorable smiles.

Kinley LOVES her FOOD....
cereal, baby food or whatever it may be.
She's still trying to get used to peaches but that's about it. She still loves to be "scared" by others... it sure makes her giggle. She's rolling all over the place & just wants to be a part of whatever her big sister is doing. Chloe loves her little sister & is so so good to her. She always ask to hold her & never goes anywhere without giving "sister" or "Kinny" a big kiss.
Stats for 6 months:
Weight: 16.0 (44%)
Height: 26 1/4 (61%)
HC: 44.5 (92%)
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