Evans Hair College
January 2011-January 2012
Those of you that know me, know that deep down inside I have always had the desire to learn more about hair & eventually attend hair school. Out of high school I attended UVSC to further my education with other interests that I had. But in the back of my head I kept wishing I was just at hair school. I continued to do some research with the schools in Orem, but kept coming home not sure how I would make it work with working full-time etc. I then decided to move to Connecticut to be a nanny to save some money to make it work when I returned. But then after a 1 1/2 years being a nanny it then turned into 1 1/2 years serving my mission then getting married 5 months after I got home..... it just didn't work out. In no way do I regret the choices I have made I am actually so grateful that I did.... because of them that is why I am where I am:)
So now after being married for 5 1/2 years & having 2 kids I can say that I DID IT!!!!
It was definitely a crazy/busy year but I can say that it was FUN YEAR TOO!!! Here are some pictures to recap the incredible year I had at Evans Hair College!!

This is the class I started with. In the beginning there were about 11 of us. The January class is usually one of the smaller classes.
Me, Emily Herdt & Whitney Shurtz
(me & Whit were both pregnant when we started)
Hair Show May 2011 Salt Lake City
(Got to love the pregnant bellies:))
With me and Whitney both being pregnant we were both up for a change.... so we let them put us on stage & this was the outcome....
She got cute straight-across bangs & I got...... Justin Beiber bangs:)
Sage, Me, Emily, Kenzie & Derk our teacher/the owner.
I'll never forget this morning. This was taken right before we went to take our practical test in Ogden..... I've never been so stinkin nervous.
Last minute pictures on my last day.... man I am going to miss all the students & instructors there.
Me and Angie
Sage rolling her last perms

It was hard being gone every Saturday.
So Chase would come by for a visit & so I could style Chloe's hair.
Some other fun Highlights!!
For one of our assignments we got teamed up with another student & had to do a 20's due! Meaning that we had to do & use what they had in the 1920's. Well that includes basically nothing that we use today. So we did pin curls on the whole entire head & sprayed it with SPRITE (because they had similar drinks then)
these are the curls you can get with those two things!!!
We also got paired up in groups & had to do demonstrations on a certain product & try to sell it. Can you tell who we had by what we're wearing???
Yes, Paul Mitchell.
FANTASY UPDO Competition
Another competition was to use our imagination & basically create anything. This cute girl was the winner & I only wish I could say that she was my model.
Instead..... this was our rainbow. We had plans for an amazing octopus only to find out one hour before that someone else was doing the same thing so we switched gears quick & this is what we came up with. Katie was such a trooper:)
So the Evans LOVE HALLOWEEN. We totally got to decorate our stations and dress up. Believe it or not this is Derk my instructor below... it was a great costume.
Got to love the creativity!!
This was my station that I decorated... I took 2nd place & won $50 towards product, that definitely put a big smile on my face:)
I could go on about all of the great experiences I had this last year with school & all the things I learned & friends I made....
I am just so truly thankful for how smoothly this year went. Thank you to all of the friends and family that helped me & Chase with our girls. I still can't believe that I was able to still graduate 2nd in my class even after having a baby!!
So what does this year bring???
I am hoping to get a part time job that will help me continue my experience & clientele. Eventually I'll do it out of my home when I get the set up but until then-
How awesome!! I love your progressive costume! I am so happy and proud of you! You are such a hard worker! Love ya tons! Oh and cute birthday for Chloe. The cakes were so cute!
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