Happy Birthday Chloe Bear!!!
Chloe turns 3
We started the morning off with streamers, balloons and fancy pancakes with sprinkles.
For her morning gift she got a fairy dress, fairy movie and strawberry shortcake coloring book.
After a fun day of playing we went to dinner at McDonalds (birthday girls request) and then went back home for cake and ice cream with family.
Chloe got her own bike with all the accessories
She got hooked up with her tag reader supplies
Chloe requested this yummy chocolate cake that's become a family favorite these last couple of months. We were all pretty excited because it's super delish.
We can't forget about the other dress-ups that she got... she's officially hooked up with the wardrobe
I love this picture it truly describes our Chloe.
She is such a sweet girl that has so much love.
She has so much love for her family!! She LOVES her daddy, sister, grandma's, grandpas, cousins and aunts and uncles.... you name it. She's always asking about them and when she can see them again.
She loves to dance
She loves Dora (too much:))
She prefers to wear skirts or flowy shirts and they are all referred to as "tutu's"
She'd rather not wear socks and shoes (she rips them off her feet so fast when she gets into anybody's home)
She loves to go to church
She loves to comfort and help her little sister with loves or by singing her songs and getting her things that she can't reach.
She has an amazing memory
She LOVES Books and going to the library
She loves to be outside as much as possible to either ride her bike or swing
She enjoys coloring, painting, gluing and blowing bubbles
She's a picky eater. She'll eat most breakfast foods and then chicken and mac n' cheese. I can't even bribe her with candy. She hates fruit snacks and all the fun things kids usually eat for treats/snacks.
She would drink Milk all day long if she could
Besides Dora she loves all of the princesses right now
She's usually a very good listener and will clean up most all the time
She's very spoiled at the same and has her tantrums when she's tired and hungry
We LOVE you CHLOE and everything you bring to our family!!!!!
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