34 WEEKS!!!!
This post is for Audrey!
She's been asking for some pictures for a while & here they are!
I am now 34 weeks.
My due date is June 27.
Everything is still going really well. Things are running really smoothly like the last pregnancy. I went a day early with Chloe so who knows what will happen this time? I am definitely getting lots of swelling, especially from being on my feet all day. The time is going too quickly I haven't had enough time to get things done..... so hopefully things will come together these next few weeks. The crib should be here this next week. We "kind of" have a name picked out but haven't told anyone because it's not for sure. Sorry, people you may just have to wait until she is born. Chloe doesn't really know what is going on. She can say "baby" but doesn't get much more than that.... at least from what I can see? She definitely could use someone to play with, so I am excited for that. As for school, well...... I am just taking it as it comes. I worked up until the day I had Chloe & never missed a day... so hopefully the same goes for this baby. My instructor is allowing for 6 weeks maternity but I am not planning on anything until she is here safely. I am so blessed to have such great pregnancies.

THANK YOU!!!! You look beautiful! Miss you all and wish I was there...
You look so great! I am glad things are going well. I hope they continue that way.
You look great. Not just saying that Dee! I betcha I could stick out my tummy as far as yours right this minute. :)
Such a cute pregnant belly. You look so good!
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