Fun with Chloe!!!!
This last month has been a fun & crazy month. Trying to get ready for the baby, enjoy the summer, school, work, yard work, play & especially spending time with Chloe. She loves the outdoors & can't wait to get outside to either go for a walk, blow bubbles, jump on the tramp, or play with her chalk or do yard work (she actually will pull weeds.... we've trained her well:)) She's still pretty much always happy like she always has been. She still loves her mornings with Sesame Street & will eat about any breakfast food, except eggs. A lot of people ask if I think she understands what is going on.... well.... kind of. She'll kiss my belly when we tell her to give baby sister a kiss. She definitely has been more into her baby doll. She likes to feed her, dress her & burp her... so I think I'll have a little helper soon.
This pregnancy has gone by so fast with school & staying busy with Chloe that it's hard to believe that I am due practically any day. I am 39.5 weeks. I am due Monday (the 27th) if I don't have the baby by Wednesday they'll induce me because my Dr. is leaving town. So I am just hoping that my water breaks like last time, guess we'll see. This baby does have a name that we have not pronounced yet.... for now the name is Baby "K". I decided to do another nursery for different reasons. Mostly because of sleep & nap schedules. It is almost done & I"ll post pictures with the results.
Chase is also staying super busy with his favorite sport.... golf. He took 2nd at the SUU Football Coaches Classic. He's been in several other tournaments that he's really enjoyed. Today he ran a race with a neighbor & took 2nd in his category & 6th overall! There was over 150 contestants, so he was pretty pleased. I can't wait to start training with him after I recover from the baby.

Chloe helping dad with yard work

Swimming at the new Recreation Center in Cedar
Play dates with friends. Chloe loves water & loved being in charge of the hose. Needless to say she went home in a diaper that day:)

Bath time
Pool time with Grandpa Mike in Mesquite... not sure about the vest.

Floating around in her tube just chillin, not sure what to think.

Floating with her twin cousins, Kelly & Haley

Found the peek-a-boo hole in the playground & kept checking on everyone

Playing with daddy on the slides (she's very tired)

Playing with mommy & still very tired
Cute Cute Pictures, Dee...Love em
Great post and great pictures. I am excited for you and your family to have a new baby. Love ya!!!
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