Hogle Zoo
July 6, 2012
With the fun Holiday break we decided to take the girls to the zoo. Chloe loved seeing all the animals while Kinley just loved having "some" freedom and tried to be a big girl with the others.
Fun train ride
Children's playground
I just love how cute she is!!!
Family Picture
(cute I know:))
Elle, Drake, Addie & Chloe
Can you tell Chloe wants out while Kinley is almost asleep?
Thought this was a good shot with Chloe and the Tiger
Chloe couldn't believe how big the giraffes were
Two of my (3) favorite people... Got to love them!!
Can you tell it's nap time. Kinley is usually so smiley except when she's tired.
Chase and Chloe standing in front of the bear (you can barely see his face on the left)
Yay, Kinley feels like she's in charge!!
Cousins hanging out on the polar bear in the new part they just added to the zoo.
Chloe posing in front of the sea otters.
Addie, Drake, Cortney, Elle and my mom
Family picture in front of the otters.
Chloe LOVED the monkeys!!!
We made it for the elephant show but forgot to take pictures because shortly after this picture my two girls were everywhere and didn't care for the show. I can't imagine why?? It was all the facts of the elephants that I found interesting:)
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