Monday, July 16, 2012

Family Pictures
My friend Mary did a great job with our pictures!  
We're so glad to have them done, thanks Mary

I didn't realize how distracting the balloons would be... 
so we'll be trying to get some more done with the girls.  

My friend Stacia made all my hair pieces for me and is having a boutique at my neighbors on Aug 3.  If you're interested let me know and I'll get you more info:)

Kinley turned 1!!!!

I can't believe how quickly this last year flew by!  

Kinley was kind of feverish when she woke up:( but seemed to still enjoy her favorite breakfast.... strawberries and pancakes.  
She continued to be her happy self and play and then it hit......
she had a bad fever all day long and just slept in my arms.  
I felt so bad for her but enjoyed loving/cuddling my baby.  We had fun things planned for her big day but just ended up staying home and letting her rest.
I had other plans for a cake but with her being sick all day this is what our last minute cake turned out to be.  
She loved it!!
Chloe loved the frosting and frosting only.
Fam picture
Trying to figure out this present opening stuff....
not fast enough for Chloe..... so she comes to help:)
Chloe takes over the present (baby stroller) 

Kinley is such a blessing in our lives.  She came earlier then we expected for our second child, but I can't imagine this world without her.  She is so easy going and fun to be around.  
-She says mama and dada and sometimes dog
-She loves, LOVES fruit.... you name it any kind
-She loves to play peek-a-boo and tag
-She loves to be pushed in the swing
-She adores her big sister and enjoys playing with her and feeling like a "big girl"
-She took her first steps at 9 months and hasn't stopped since
-She still takes two naps a day and sleeps through the night
-Kinley is such a people person and has her favorite people that she recognizes
-Kinley goes to nursery off and on and loves it!!! (I am in the primary and works great)
-Kinley has this new thing when she doesn't get her way or is tired and she'll just drop on the ground and put her forehead on the tile and's pretty sad.
-She started to climb on everything and is pretty good, no major falls yet!?
-Hair is only long enough to do one pony on top.
-She gets pretty scared of big dogs and will cry.
-She LOVES the trampoline!! 
But she doesn't really get that the sides exist and she's getting too fast for me to run from side to side.  (Can't wait to someday finish our backyard and put one in the ground)
-She Loves candy IN THE WRAPPER... so I guess she LOVES PAPER??
(She freeks out if you try to take the wrapper off)
-Kinley officially has 8 teeth.
-She loves being pushed in the stroller
-It still amazes me how opposite these two girls of mine are.... I love it though don't get me wrong.
-She's started to show a little interest in doing puzzles and not always having to suck on all the pieces so that is good... Chloe will be happy:)
-Going to the library is like Christmas for Kinley, in the sense that she runs up and down the book isles and sees how many books she can pull off the shelfs.  We used to go weekly but I need a little break, they're hard to keep up with.
-Kinley is a TOTAL BINKIE GIRL.... 
kind of nervous for when I'll have to break this habit!!!
-She loves stairs and is still practicing on how to go down them, again... no major falls!
-She loves toilet paper in every way... 
to unroll it, to eat it or just anything.
-Kinley loves the water in every way possible.
-Kinley is my daredevil and will try/do anything=bad and good:(


Friday, July 13, 2012

Manti Temple
Grandma Bailey and my mom

Last year my moms stake announced they would be having a temple day for all the sisters called, "Sisters in White." We then decided that we would make it fit our schedules.  As a mom with young kids I find myself not making it a priority like I should.  So I was glad to have this day on the calendar.  I haven't been to the temple with my mom and grandma since I was married (5 1/2 years ago).  It was so fun to share that spiritual and fun time with them.  I couldn't believe how many sisters from the Delta West Stake showed up.  The temple presidency said it was the largest group they've ever had.  Before we did our temple work the temple President spoke to us.  He is such a great man!!  He seriously had us all laughing then crying and back to laughing.  He is definitely a servant of our Heavenly Father.  The feeling in the temple that day was unforgettable.  Thanks so much mom, grandma & Delta West Stake for making this day possible/happen!!!

Lots of FUN, Random & Priceless pictures!!!

 Don't know about you but our summer has been full of............

 lots of popsicles
 outdoor fun
 indoor fun (I found Kinley trying to fit in a container)
 Playing and having bath time with cousins.
 Taking the Jeep for a spin.... Don't worry Chloe makes sure you get buckled in:)
 Taking the car for drive.
 Can you tell my girls like cars?  We don't miss one wherever we might go.
 Sick Days... Chloe got the 24 hour bug and it was such a sad miserable day:(
 Lots and lots of snow-cones!!  The only place to get them is the Tikki Shak in Cedar.
 Lots and LOTS of swinging!!
 Lots of picnics and wrestling
 Lots of Fireworks
 Lots of Fashion Shows trying on clothes
 Some of the clothes may be old, new, too small or too big.... but it's lots of fun either way!!
 First face painting!!
 Our cute little butterfly princess!
 Lots of jumping and playing at the park
 Lots of new teeth (you can kind of see them) and lots of giggles!!
 Lots of smiles and learning to walk.
 More swinging!!
 Trying new hairstyles!
 Continuing to try for a cute "sister" picture but continue to fail.
 Still teething
 You can barely tell but Kinley got herself high-centered on this drawer... she was stuck and pretty frustrated.
 AND MORE swinging!!
 Water fun outside
 Kinley starts by smiling and being a good sport.........
 She soon realizes she's not so sure about this............
 She realizes she's ready for this to be over..............
 She can't wait anymore so she gets down in this position (she's been doing it a lot lately) when she's throwing a fit or just sad:(  Good job though Kinley.... "A" for effort.
 Lots of water fights with dad
 Playing with Drew at grandma's riding their horses
 More fun at Delta's new Splash Pad.  Chloe couldn't decide what was more fun to run through the water or try on all the random pair of shoes that were sitting there.  This girl is seriously OBSESSED with shoes.  If you come to our house expect to loose your shoes to this girl.  I have to admit though she has good taste!!:)
 Kinley was a lot braver than Chloe.
 Kinley decided that this is her type of water toy.... she could do it ALL day long with or without clothes.
 Chloe loves to be the first to see Kinley after she wakes up in the morning.  Kinley loves it they just jump in her crib and giggle.
 We did family pictures this week and Chloe was so willing to give me a test run for her individuals... I haven't seen them yet so I hope that she was as smiley as she is here??
 Kinley has got to be the funniest little girl.  She loves to play in these cupboards and move the pans around.  But when I looked over and realized she had completely put herself in I just started to laugh.  
 Soon after that she realized this isn't fun anymore because I think I am stuck....
 With a little bit of moms help we were back to our happy self.
 Another chance at a "sisters" picture that failed:( Kinley was kind of holding still, but then Chloe isn't looking.....
 so Chloe tries to help her hold still by grabbing her by the hair....
 Kinley doesn't like that so she retaliates and pushes Chloe back....
Chloe goes for another hold and doesn't let go.

Needless to say NO we still didn't get any decent pictures so that is why I am really hoping that our family pictures turned out better than these.  
You have to admit though, these pictures are pretty dang funny.  This is our life, constantly trying for the picture perfect moment and realizing that we just need to take them as they come because that's how we know it & LOVE IT!!
I have a lot of people ask me how it's been having two so close together.  At first it was a piece of cake (when Kinley couldn't move) now it's crazy/fun because she can.  These two are TOTAL OPPOSITES but the best of friends, I truly do love it!!! I am so grateful that they'll have each other when they get older.