2 years ago
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Posted by DeAnna at 5:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 12, 2011
After Thanksgiving weekend we decided to spend a day up north with just the four of us.
It was lots of fun especially when we went and saw Santa.
Chloe had just woken up so maybe not so much for her.
I really didn't want to be in the picture but that is the only way Chloe would even come close to him.
Kinley on the other hand had no idea what was going on and just smiled like usual....

which is why Kinley got her own picture.
The photographer asked if they could take extra pictures with just Kinley so they could use them as their display. We thought that was pretty cool, not only because she's the cutest (we already knew that) but they gave us free pictures too:)
Posted by DeAnna at 8:38 PM 3 comments
Family Pictures
November 2011
I had to post this next picture because it is too funny. This is what you get when you try to get 6 girls under the age of 3 to take a picture together. All of the adults thought they were being helpful by making their silly noises behind the camera but we were actually scaring the girls to death..... oh what fun!!!
Posted by DeAnna at 2:46 PM 0 comments
HaPpY THaNkSgIvInG!!!
This year we celebrated Thanksgiving twice. The weekend before at my moms house... still need to download those pictures from my phone. We had tons of fun celebrating gingerbread houses with all the cousins.
The actual weekend we were at the Christensen's. It was lots of fun & super yummy!!
Kinley was sleeping & Chloe was..... herself.... everywhere. Got to love this almost 2 year old age:)
Got to love the turkey Meghann made, the kids were sure eatin it up!!!
I can't believe how quickly the month of November came & left. I started listing each day on facebook something that I was thankful for but then sadly lost track of time with everything that life brings. But that doesn't mean that I am not thankful. Here's a new list so I don't feel guilty for not finishing my list earlier:)
1- My Husband & two sweet girls!
2- Mine & Chase's family!
3- Chase's education & job!
4- The opportunity I've had to go back to school this year!!
5- My religion!
6- Eternal families, I know I'll live with my dad again someday (which bring so much joy to my heart!)
7- A living prophet that receives revelation to guide us in these latter days.
8- That Chase & I are both return missionaries.
9-For our house that protects us & keeps us warm.
10- Our cars that get us around.
11- All of our different talents that make us unique & different from one another.
12- Our freedom
13- Our Health
14- Being married in the temple
15- My friends
16- My friendship with my mom & sister.
17- To come from a family where WORK is taught from a young age.
18- To live in Utah (We truly are so blessed)
19- To have such amazing technology.
20- The ability to smell, hear, touch & feel
21- My neighbors
22- My calling in the primary..... love the children.
23- For trials (I mean the after part, when you see how much you've grown & what you learned.)
24- Thankful for good music & the peace it can bring.
25- Thankful for the toys & fun things we have now to entertain our kids with.
26- Thankful for good books to help us teach our children.
27- Thankful for the sun.
28- That I get to be a mother.
29- The example that Chloe & Kinley are to me!!!
30- The people who risk their lives for us each day so that we can have the freedom we do!!
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!
Posted by DeAnna at 2:04 PM 0 comments
Kinley is 4 months old
Her stats:
Weight: 13.6 (43%)
Height: 25 (77%)
HC: 42 (79%)
She's definitely bigger than Chloe was at this age but they are just completely different with their built, skin tones, hair color etc. She's rolling all over the place & now trying to army crawl her way to things she really wants. She can almost sit up by herself too. She does like her binkie & her two middle fingers. She's very entertained by her older sister & could just watch her all day & laugh & smile.
She loves to giggle! When she first started to laugh it was funny how it worked.... she would only giggle if you really scared her. At first I felt so bad trying to scare her but not once did she get sad.... she would just smile & giggle.
She still sleeps through the night & has pretty much the hole time. I am so glad that I put the two girls in separate rooms. When we can't find Chloe in the morning it's usually because she has sneaked into Kinley's room & climbed in her crib. On more than one occasion we've found Chloe in her crib singing her songs while she's sleeping. How sweet are my girls???... man I just love them!!!
Kinley is really enjoying her rice cereal! She doesn't really fuss much but she can sure spit up. Some other names she goes by are:
Baby K
Kinney (Chloe)
Sister (Chloe)
Posted by DeAnna at 1:40 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Fun times with the family
These are just random pictures of the month of November. Chloe loves spending time with her daddy. He's such a great dad, she loves him so much!!

Chase having fun with Chloe shooting some hoops, jumping & swinging.
Kinley on the other hand is warm inside working on her army crawl & superman.
She's getting so big, now sits at the table so Kinley gets the highchair.
A little family picture after church (that is why Chloe looks so tired).
Poor girl is getting all 4 canines at the same time. It's been a rough month with sleeping but hopefully we're on the home stretch.
I love this picture of Kinley. She's always so happy & smiling. She loves the bumbo so she can see what's going on.

Posted by DeAnna at 7:11 PM 0 comments
This year was so fun with trick-or-treating! I can't believe it was this day last year that we announced we were having another baby & now she's 5 months old. I know they're not twins but I sure love dressing them as close as I can. I wasn't smart & scheduled Kinley's doctor visit this day & she had to get shots..... she had a rough day but was great by night.

Trick-or-treating at Chase's boss house.
Chloe leaving the first house & ready to get going with the others.
I was trying to help her put her candy in her bag & I think she thought I was taking it away from her & didn't like that. She was determined to hold on to all of her candy from the the first house.... she was pretty excited.
Posted by DeAnna at 5:47 PM 0 comments
Chloe's A Farmer!!!
Chloe has a weekend farming with dad & Pampa (aka Grandpa)
Chase took the girls home one weekend while I was at school & Chloe had the best time like usual. She loves loves loves being outdoors doing anything. She even got hooked up with her pink, Carhardt overalls.

Who knows maybe we'll end up back in Delta doing what Chase loves but until then we will continue making our weekend trips so that Chase can help as much as he can, he really does love it!!
Posted by DeAnna at 4:26 PM 0 comments
We started a tradition in our family last year with Chloe. We couldn't wait to head back to Paragonah this year with two little girls.

She's pretty proud of her pumpkin that she found all by herself.
I just love her smile lately.... she forgets to leave her eyes open.
Still don't think they look anything alike??
Posted by DeAnna at 3:56 PM 0 comments
September FUN!!!
Chloe loves her cousin Sienna & she especially loved helping bake cupcakes to celebrate her birthday!!
Chase already had the girls in Delta so I caught a ride right after school just in time for the party. Chloe couldn't wait to try out her new hair toys on me.... I think we might have another hairdresser on our hands.:)
Daddy & Kinley having tummy/play time.
Still not sure who she looks like?

Weekend in Mesquite before the cold comes......
Our precious little Chloe can't get enough of the camera & showing off her cute smile:)
Posted by DeAnna at 1:00 PM 0 comments
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