Tuesday, January 26, 2010

YES, I am STILL Pregnant!!

Yep, that's right I am still pregnant. I had my appointment on Friday & there aren't really any changes going on. Today, I am 39 weeks & 3 days. My due date is this Saturday, January 30th. If I don't go on my own the doctor has scheduled me to be induced on February 4th. That's right that would be 2 days short of 41 weeks. I guess we will just have to see what happens. Chloe is just cozy & enjoying life I guess? I go in again this Friday so we'll see if anything changes??
As of right now I am still working my normal days. I figure I might as well to keep myself busy. Chase is probably so sick of cleaning. I am totally going through the "nesting" period. If I don't have her by this weekend I dare say we might spend the weekend cleaning again. Sorry Chase:( Besides that we are staying super busy. We're trying to have a bunch of "date nights" and "us" time before our lives change. We also had to speak in church last Sunday on Temples. I am so glad to have it over with. We also both have received callings. I am an assistant Librarian & Chase is an Elders Quorum Teacher. Life is definitely picking up for us. I am so thankful that we have each other, our wonderful families & our friends.
I will definitely keep you all updated. Hopefully the next post is of our precious little Chloe!!


Heather Strong said...

I have been wondering how you are doing! Thanks for the update. I remember that feeling of knowing life would never be the same again. It was sort of somber and weird for us, the day before we had Emmett. It does change and things get so chaotic for awhile but then it settles down (after a few months ha ha) and now, for me, life seems as ordinary as ever and Jake and I have plenty of time together.. thanks to Em being a good sleeper. Good luck with everything! I can't wait to see pictures so don't make us bloggers wait a long time!

ChicChat said...

You look so cute. I'm sorry, but you don't look like you are about to have a baby. It's not fare. I hope everything goes well for the delivery of Chloe. Can't wait to hear all about it.

Ashley Abbott said...

Good luck! At least you still look cute! I hope you don't go that far over!!

Jodi Rae said...

You are looking good for being due! I went 5 days over with my first, so I feel your pain! Hopefully you wont have to wait that long. I changed my blog to www.ourlifeinjodiswords.blogspot.com. I am not sure if you are invited still, but if you aren't just email me at jodirae27(at)hotmail(dot)com and I will add you. I would love to keep up with you guys! Good luck getting your sweet little girl here! Can't wait to see her. And I love the nursery! Super cute:).

Michelle K. said...

You can have her on Feb. 4th! That's Kieren's birthday! But that's too long and no one wants to wait that long. Hopefully she comes soon. Such a cute name by the way. BTW, I went private, so if you would like an invite just email me your email address! michykin@yahoo.com

The Pitchforths said...

I never made it to 38 weeks, let alone 40 or 41. Holy crap. I wlll definately pray for ya tonight. Hang in there, I'm excited to see her!!!

Jason, Elisa, Connor and Megan said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you guys! I love all your posts. For some reason I can't look at your blog without crying! I love Chloe's room - it is so cute! I want to come see you - I hope I can soon! Your are so sweet and your early Valentine's dinner was such a great idea. I miss you!