YES, I am STILL Pregnant!!
Yep, that's right I am still pregnant. I had my appointment on Friday & there aren't really any changes going on. Today, I am 39 weeks & 3 days. My due date is this Saturday, January 30th. If I don't go on my own the doctor has scheduled me to be induced on February 4th. That's right that would be 2 days short of 41 weeks. I guess we will just have to see what happens. Chloe is just cozy & enjoying life I guess? I go in again this Friday so we'll see if anything changes??
As of right now I am still working my normal days. I figure I might as well to keep myself busy. Chase is probably so sick of cleaning. I am totally going through the "nesting" period. If I don't have her by this weekend I dare say we might spend the weekend cleaning again. Sorry Chase:( Besides that we are staying super busy. We're trying to have a bunch of "date nights" and "us" time before our lives change. We also had to speak in church last Sunday on Temples. I am so glad to have it over with. We also both have received callings. I am an assistant Librarian & Chase is an Elders Quorum Teacher. Life is definitely picking up for us. I am so thankful that we have each other, our wonderful families & our friends.
I will definitely keep you all updated. Hopefully the next post is of our precious little Chloe!!