Well since I am going to try and do this blog thing I figured I should try and catch you up on the what has happened in our lives as long as we have been married!! So this will be a quick version with pictures so that I can get caught up with what is going right now....
Well Chase's family is really into planes. Many of the relatives are pilots and own their own planes. So right after we got married we got to be take part in the family tradition and went to the yearly Air show in Las Vegas on Nov. 10, 2006. We got to see lots of different fly-by's and go inside lots of different fighter planes!! It was a lot of fun!!Christmas of 2006 wa lots of fun because it was our first! Chase spoiled me rotten like always and gave me some golf clubs and
lots of other extras. I got him a new coat and shoes and other misc. things. It was my first Christmas home in 3 years... and it was weird to share it with another family but it was also very fun! We decorated gingerbread houses with my family and neices... it was quite entertaining! Grandma Barbara spoiled us and took us on a cruise to the Southern Caribbean. The Grand Cayman Islands was definitely our favorite!!
2 years ago
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