Thursday, September 27, 2012

Day trip to Aurora to see Great Grandpa and Great Grandpa Bailey 

We made a quick trip to Aurora to visit and help Grandma do some canning.  

I started doing some of my own canning this year and jumped on the chance to go and learn some pointers from my grandma. We mostly did peaches but she sent me home with much much more.  Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of me and grandma canning.... but it was lots of fun.  It was crazy, but fun!!!  My grandma is someone that I'll always look up to and admire for the hard worker she is and always has been.  Chloe and Kinley had lots of fun and keep asking when we can go back to grandmas house.   

On the way there I looked in the rear-view mirror to check on the girls and this is what I saw.... it put a huge grin on my face.  This continued for at least 10 minutes.
Kinley loved the garden.  She loves ALL fruits and some veggies.  She just wanted to try everything she could see.  

Chloe loved helping grandpa pick the carrots and tomatoes.