here we come!!!
With tax season going on and not seeing much of Chase he flew us out to Texas to visit my sister. I hadn't seen my sister in 1 1/2 years which means she's only seen Chloe one time and never seen Kinley. I also have never seen her new baby that was born in December. It worked out perfect that we flew in the day before her birthday.
Audrey and I have always lived away from each other since she got married when I was in 5th grade. I could only imagine how cool it would be to have a sister live close by. Since I've become a mother she's become a phone call I make several times a day. She is such a great person that deserves the best in everything.
I was very fortunate that my mom was able to come too.... don't know what I would have done in the airports with my two girls.

The plane hadn't taken off yet... Kinley was excited (like she always is)
and Chloe was almost to the bored point.

Chloe was so excited to see green when we got there. We left Cedar in 30 degrees and arrived to Texas in the mid 70's. I love how she was smelling the flowers first thing.

Trying out one of the Nathaniel's many fun toys.

She loved the teeter-totter with Marinda.

Picking strawberries with Clarissa.

While the others picked strawberries the others were catching up with hugs
from Grandma and Kinley!

Chloe's excited to be wearing clothes for warmer weather
and to be heading to the park!!

Kinley isn't sure what's going but... she's just enjoying all the new faces!

Loving the swings like usual!

Chloe and Nathaniel had this thing for finding the dandelions so they could blow them.

Smelling more pretty flowers.

On our way to the park again with ALL (Brent was back with grandma) of the kids!!

Clarissa, Chloe and Elisabeth

Yes, my girls were a little exhausted at times
from all the fun stuff going on around them.... can you tell?

Chloe was determined to figure out the scooter before we left.

CHEESE!!!! How many kids can you pack on grandma's lap....
they forgot two but it's okay:)

Kinley trying out the new sunglasses. Thank goodness big sis wasn't looking or she wouldn't have been so willing to share.

Before we left I thought to myself that Chloe and Nathaniel would become the best of friends from the get-go. WELL..... not so much. I didn't put into consideration that Chloe was in a different environment and Nathaniel wasn't used to sharing with someone else close to his age. -There were many, Many times I thought are you two for real.... please just get along, your cousins.
-Then there was the moment when they were each sitting by grandma one on both sides and they kept fighting back and forth saying, "My Grandma." and then the other one says, "NO, My Grandma." Finally Grandma interrupted and said, "I am both of your Grandmas, okay?" Then my sweet little Chloe very quietly bends over grandmas lap and whispers, "My Grandma." Yes it just kept going on the rest of the trip. My mom still laughs about it when we bring it up.
- But then there's the moment when you see them so excitedly find each other after church and hold hands the whole way to the car. Yes, I had to double take... but it was pretty cute.
-Then there's the moments like the picture above when Chloe says goodbye to her cousin in the car. Little does she know that Nathaniel has the biggest heart full of so much love. He may not have a perfect heart but it definitely is field with nothing but love for those around him. He brings so much light to those he comes in contact with. When we were at church it was so fun to see him run up to those familiar faces and wrap his arms around them. Heavenly Father definitely has a plan for this little boy and for right now I would say it is sharing the Love/Light of Christ!!!
We love you Nathaniel!!!
-This trip was so much fun. We were able to be more relaxed and stay close to home. We made lots of yummy treats/meals thanks to pinterest. We found a favorite new Mexican restaurant (we went 2x, yes we ate a lot of food). Had a fun "Pamper the girls day." Got the whole family caught up with haircuts, etc. Grandma got to see all the girls at their dance classes. Spoil Audrey and take her shopping and much more. My mom and I decided that this will have to become an annual trip, and I am totally okay with that.
Thanks again Aud, hope to see you sometime this fall/winter. If not we'll see you next spring!!!
Back on the Airplane......
Well, mom and Kinley did really good. They had their little naps and treats. Chloe on the other hand was done. Half way through our flight home Chloe says to me, "Mommy, no more plane.... Chloe all done." I thought how cute, but then I realized the next portion of the flight was going to feel like an eternity. Yes, we went to the bathroom I think 5 times. Thank goodness we had patient people by us. Chloe also had the perfect timing- on the landing with the flight there and home she fell asleep in my arms and I got to carry her dead weight through both airports. That's when I was really glad I had my mom to carry Kinley and the car seat!!