Monday, October 10, 2011

(13.1 miles)

After I got home from the hospital with Kinley I decided to sign up for a race so I could get some goals met & back in shape. I finally got Half Marathon crossed off my bucket list. Full marathon is next, anyone want to join??
The race was awesome, such a pretty run. My brother, Jeremy came down with his family so he could join me. It was lots of fun having someone else doing the same thing. I was pretty slow but I figured after only having a baby 2 1/2 months ago that my goals of not stopping & just finishing were pretty legitimate.
I was able to finish the race in 2 hours & 5 minutes.

Chase & Chloe came to cheer me on!!

Me & Jeremy!

Thanks Jer for traveling down here & running the race. I am super lucky to have such great siblings, they are all such great examples to me in so many different ways.


Joey said...

You are AWESOME! I ran a half ONCE...That was enough to let me know that I NEVER, EVER wanted to run a full! Good for you that you still want to. Your baby girls are beautiful. Hope to see you at grandma Chris' soon. Joey

Jason, Elisa, Connor and Megan said...

So I don't know how I missed all of these cute posts! Your girls are so cute and I can't believe how big Kinley is getting. Great job on the half marathon. I wish I could say that I have done one, but one of these days I will. :o) You are awesome! Miss ya tons!