Monday, October 10, 2011

(13.1 miles)

After I got home from the hospital with Kinley I decided to sign up for a race so I could get some goals met & back in shape. I finally got Half Marathon crossed off my bucket list. Full marathon is next, anyone want to join??
The race was awesome, such a pretty run. My brother, Jeremy came down with his family so he could join me. It was lots of fun having someone else doing the same thing. I was pretty slow but I figured after only having a baby 2 1/2 months ago that my goals of not stopping & just finishing were pretty legitimate.
I was able to finish the race in 2 hours & 5 minutes.

Chase & Chloe came to cheer me on!!

Me & Jeremy!

Thanks Jer for traveling down here & running the race. I am super lucky to have such great siblings, they are all such great examples to me in so many different ways.

I keep forgetting to post the baby announcement for Kinley... it turned out so so cute thanks to Heather! I can't believe in this picture she is 5 days old & now she's 3 months. She's such a great baby & smiley one too.... more pictures coming soon:)

We love you Kinley!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Two month & 19 month pics & stats!!!

*Kinley's 2 months*
I can honestly say for those of you that don't see Kinley that often that she is seriously this happy of a baby!! We're so blessed with your sweet, loving personality! She's been smiling since early on & it just makes our days so great. Here are a few pictures of our little princess that we often call:
-Kinley bear
-sweet pea

*2 month stats!!*
Weight- 10.1 (30%)
Height- 21 1/2 in. (17%)
HC- 39 cm (57%)


I love when Chloe asks if she can feed Kinley or hold her. She holds out her arms & waves her hands towards herself & says, "Me.... Kinney." So we get all positioned & then I hand her Kinley. If we're lucky it might last 3 seconds & then she just lets go of her & says, "okay, me done." I have learned to be right there, otherwise, sweet Kinley goes for a hard fall.

I really don't think that they look that much alike?? Chloe is really fare, blue-eyed & blonde. Kinley is dark skinned, dark hair & possible brown eyes. Guess we'll see???


Chloe's 19 months

Little Chloe is BUSY!! I love when she plays with books because that means she might hold still for more than 5 seconds. She's such a smart LITTLE GIRL.... she's no longer my little baby. She's still doing good as the big sister. She loves to be helpful, by getting diapers, burp clothes etc. Nursery is her new favorite place. Now that I am in the Primary Presidency I love checking in on the Nursery to see how she interacts. She loves organization. She loves having "her chair" where she eats her snack & colors during nursery.
She's always been a really good sleeper... UNTIL about a month or so ago. She started waking up in the middle of the night. She's not the best dinner eater so I started giving her a sippy of milk because she's so tiny. Then I realized that's not the best because now her body will always think she's hungry about 1 in the morning. NOT FUN FOR ME! So I started giving her water & she stopped waking up:)........that is until about 3 in the morning. Anyway.... she's slowly getting better at sleeping. She wakes up for the day between 5:30-6:30 AM instead of 4:30.... so we're slowly improving.
Chloe is becoming such a great example to all of those around her. Whenever I put her in her highchair for a meal she immediately folds her arms & says MOM. I know we'll get there but I just love how she gets so excited to fold her arms & even more excited to say, "Amen."
Lately she's all about trying to climb inside things.

Sunday drive up to the "C"

Chase brings the girls to come see me on Saturdays & I do Chloe's hair. She loves sitting in the chair & watching everything that is going on around her.

Sorry about the picture but I just love how she thinks she can just fit or sit on anything.

She loves to smile & show her teeth.

*Chloe's 19 month stats*
Weight- 22.10 (21%)
Height- 31 3/4 in (43%)
HC- 48 cm (82%)

Happy 5 year anniversary

September 1, 2006 seems like it was just yesterday. We were married in the Salt Lake Temple for time & eternity. What a wonderful feeling that we have eternity. I am so thankful for Chase & the husband & father that he his. He has so much patience with me & I truly appreciate it.
Chase was in charge of our anniversary this year & he did very good. We spent the weekend in Vegas.... just the two of us. The first time we've ever left either of the girls overnight... even Chloe & she's almost 2. We didn't really care to do the Vegas thing but just really wanted to relax. We stayed at the Red Rock Resort West of the strip. It was so fun. We went to the outlets on our way & did some shopping for the girls. We then went to the hotel & didn't leave until we went home. I love how the hotels have all the entertainment you need. We spent the day at the pool, did some bowling, ate some yummy food & played BINGO with the old ladies. It was such a fun & much needed weekend.

The pool was so so much fun...

Yep, that's right I kicked his butt!!!

LOve yoU ChAseR!!! Happy 5 years!!!