YAY!!! Tax Season is OVER!!!
Chloe & I are truly excited that it's finally over even though she doesn't look it so much in this picture. (I just wanted to show how long her hair is getting & all the natural curls:))
Well, Chase had a crazy tax season & worked super hard. He got more over time hours every week than he did regular hours. We're so excited to have him home!!! He went golfing a couple times last week to soak up the sun he's been missing out on. He's still busy at work with quarterly's, payroll, bookkeeping & all those that are behind on their taxes :).... but at least we get him home by 6!! Here are some random pictures of what Chloe & I did during tax season to keep busy.

We went & kidnapped Chase & took him to ice cream at Maggie Moo's!!!

Chloe spent many nights practicing her tunes on the piano.

Whenever we would go visit Chase, Chloe had to try out the desk. She loves computers, big soft chairs & the mouse especially. No matter where we go if she sees a computer then she has to try it out....

Because of the lovely cold weather we weren't able to do much outside after I would get home from school.
I am so happy that Chase will now be able to watch Chloe on Saturdays while I am at school. Thank you SO much to those friends & family members (especially my wonderful mother) that watched Chloe these past couple months. It was definitely crazy but I so appreciate all of you & all that you did. I know Chloe for sure loved being with all of those people that she enjoys & loves so much! Now that life feels like it is starting to slow down because tax season is over.... WELL.... technically it's not. Chase is starting on his TO-DO list.... the nursery, garage, yard & much golf playing. Only 9 more weeks till baby sister is here!!!
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