Well, everyone keeps asking me how I am liking hair school & how I am adjusting to our new way of life. Well, I know the adjustments aren't going to stop & they are just going to keep coming... but they have been so far so good. Hair school has been so much fun! My class is a smaller one of only about 10. I really like the one-on-one that we get. It's amazing how much there is to it all. I got 100% on my first test!! It's also cool how much we've already learned... 3 different perms, two hair cuts, the 8 color applications, manicures, scalp treatments & more. My first week was kind of crazy especially because Chloe was really sick... so that meant being up all night, doctors & Chase staying home with her so I wouldn't miss school. Thank goodness that only lasted a week:) Since then I've really enjoyed it. I can't believe that I am in the middle of my 3rd week, it goes so quickly. My schedule is Tuesday-Saturday 8-5 & sometimes later. My weekends are kind of messed up. Basically Chase, Chloe & I have Sundays together. Chase has been such a great support throughout all of this. He has so much fun with Chloe when it's just the two of them on Saturdays. The have a tradition to go to Wendy's for lunch & something else afterwards. Last week they brought me a snack because we didn't get a lunch. Life is only going to get crazier once tax season starts & I don't see Chase at all & When our new arrival comes:) I am so grateful for my supportive family & awesome babysitter that is so flexible with me... thanks Melany.

Here is are pictures of Chase & Chloe on one of their saturday dates. He took her to the new indoor pool after lunch at Wendy's. Man I just love these two!!!

For any of you that are interested or want to come visit me.... we're doing COMPLIMENTARY manicures, facials & scalp treatments this Saturday, Jan. 29 (Chloe's birthday:)). We will also be doing complimentary colors the following Friday & Saturday. I was really busy with the manicures last Saturday so let me know if you're interested, I am already starting to book.
Chole looks like such a big girl in her sweet little swimming suit. Kudos to Chase for braving the crowds at the pool all on his own. I don't think I could ever get Andy to do that. What a cute daddy-daughter tradition!
Glad to hear you're adjusting to the new whirlwind.
I would LOVE to come in for a color this Friday, if you have any spots left? Let me know.
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