This year we had Thanksgiving at my moms house. I feel terrible that I don't have more pictures of our own family. I did get some of the cousins though & that's special too. My mom had a cute little activity for the kids. They made cookie turkeys. Chloe loved taking hers apart & eating it.
Addie, Kara, Drew, Oakley, Chloe & Elle
Chloe loved her turkey

Chloe loves stairs & going up them with Drew... not sure how to get down yet:)
It was fun to have the twins at the Christensen's for the weekend. They haven't been to Delta in a while. Chloe is definitely becoming buds with them, especially Kelly. They found this box & loved playing in it... after this picture was taken the box totally broke, no tears though :)

They love playing in the tunnel & tent!

Chloe discovered that the candy drawer opens & the 3 girls were super excited to empty all of the bags! Sorry Chris!

Now that I look back at Thanksgiving I realize that we didn't go around the table & say what we are thankful for like we have at my moms house every year since I was little. I think sometimes now with the food & so many kids around that I forget the true meaning & that's being with family! I am so grateful that Chase & I are from the same city & have such amazing families. I am so grateful for this special holiday! Hopefully I can be better & get more pictures next year!!
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