Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Baby #2 is on the way!!! I am 12 weeks & due on June 27, 2011. We are so excited! I am especially excited for Chloe to have a sibling so close in age. I know it will be challenging at times but more than anything I know it will be fun!!
This next year will be a different year for our family. We have decided for me to go back to school. I have always wanted to do hair school & it just never worked out. I moved to Connecticut after 1 year of college to save money for hair school & from there I basically left for my mission to Sweden. As soon as I got home I was getting ready for hair school again & got married instead. So it is finally happening after being married 4 years. I am so so thrilled to go back, I seriously get butterflies in my pregnant belly. I will take a 6 week maternity leave for the baby & then go back. That will be very hard but with my awesome babysitter I feel somewhat relived to know that both our kids will be in good hands. It's only a year too, so that's not too bad:) It will be super sad to leave my amazing job & the dental world... but I know they'll be my friends/2nd family for forever!!

I didn't tell Chase for a couple of days because he was hunting & also because I wanted to make it "cute".
Well with how crazy things get nothing was coming to mind....
So I wrote on Chloe's diaper
"Daddy- I am going to be a big sister"
The plan worked perfectly. She needed a diaper change & that is what he found.... he couldn't believe it! He wasn't really expecting that, but he was super excited!!!

Here is how we told our family on Halloween that #2 was on the way!!

Here is a picture of how we told our families on Halloween.
The saying says....
Fall is such a fun time of year...
The sights, the smells & the things that you hear,
The gobblens, monsters, pumpkins & more...
Soon we will be a family of four.
Summertime brings a new special one..
June 27th is when our new one will come!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

You know it's Christmas when.....

You try to take a family picture for Christmas cards & your kid has another idea.

You're going to Christmas Parites.
We had lots of fun with my work party, Chase's work party,
Premier Pediatrics party & the ward party.
Sorry Andrea we didn't make it to your sweater party!

When Chase puts on the popular "beenie" that he wears every year while he decorates the house with lights.

When you have extra hands to help decorate the tree.......
Surprisingly enough Chloe did really well.
She just wanted to play with the paper that the ornaments were wrapped in.
The Christmas Tree is Finally Decorated... not sure for how long:) Chloe has done well with the tree, I wired all the ornaments on & I think all she cares about is the cord to the wall.

Santa comes to town to visit & take pictures!!

The yums yums are made, the apples & pretzels are dipped in caramel & chocolate & delivered to the neighbors & friends. Most of the shopping is done. Hopefully we'll go to the nativity in St. George next week. Watched some Christmas movies & can't wait to watch more.

Our family is so excited for the holidays!! We're especially excited for Chloe & this being her first Christmas. It's been so fun to buy her gifts... I can hardly wait for her open them!!


This year we had Thanksgiving at my moms house. I feel terrible that I don't have more pictures of our own family. I did get some of the cousins though & that's special too. My mom had a cute little activity for the kids. They made cookie turkeys. Chloe loved taking hers apart & eating it.

Addie, Kara, Drew, Oakley, Chloe & Elle

Chloe loved her turkey

Chloe loves stairs & going up them with Drew... not sure how to get down yet:)


It was fun to have the twins at the Christensen's for the weekend. They haven't been to Delta in a while. Chloe is definitely becoming buds with them, especially Kelly. They found this box & loved playing in it... after this picture was taken the box totally broke, no tears though :)

They love playing in the tunnel & tent!

Chloe discovered that the candy drawer opens & the 3 girls were super excited to empty all of the bags! Sorry Chris!

Now that I look back at Thanksgiving I realize that we didn't go around the table & say what we are thankful for like we have at my moms house every year since I was little. I think sometimes now with the food & so many kids around that I forget the true meaning & that's being with family! I am so grateful that Chase & I are from the same city & have such amazing families. I am so grateful for this special holiday! Hopefully I can be better & get more pictures next year!!

Mesquite & Air Show in Las Vegas 2010

It's tradition in the Christensen family that we go to the airshow every year (or at least every other) This year was Chloe's first year! It was so so SO loud & she did awesome. She slept in my arms for the last 2 hours of it.... not sure how, cause it was so loud! I don't have the best of pictures because their on everyone elses cameras. But nothing really changes. We also went to this little pond the night before & fed the ducks. Chloe loves animals & being with other kids, especially her cousin Sienna.