Baby #2 is on the way!!! I am 12 weeks & due on June 27, 2011. We are so excited! I am especially excited for Chloe to have a sibling so close in age. I know it will be challenging at times but more than anything I know it will be fun!!
This next year will be a different year for our family. We have decided for me to go back to school. I have always wanted to do hair school & it just never worked out. I moved to Connecticut after 1 year of college to save money for hair school & from there I basically left for my mission to Sweden. As soon as I got home I was getting ready for hair school again & got married instead. So it is finally happening after being married 4 years. I am so so thrilled to go back, I seriously get butterflies in my pregnant belly. I will take a 6 week maternity leave for the baby & then go back. That will be very hard but with my awesome babysitter I feel somewhat relived to know that both our kids will be in good hands. It's only a year too, so that's not too bad:) It will be super sad to leave my amazing job & the dental world... but I know they'll be my friends/2nd family for forever!!
I didn't tell Chase for a couple of days because he was hunting & also because I wanted to make it "cute".
Well with how crazy things get nothing was coming to mind....
So I wrote on Chloe's diaper
"Daddy- I am going to be a big sister"
The plan worked perfectly. She needed a diaper change & that is what he found.... he couldn't believe it! He wasn't really expecting that, but he was super excited!!!
Here is how we told our family on Halloween that #2 was on the way!!

Here is a picture of how we told our families on Halloween.
The saying says....
Fall is such a fun time of year...
The sights, the smells & the things that you hear,
The gobblens, monsters, pumpkins & more...
Soon we will be a family of four.
Summertime brings a new special one..
June 27th is when our new one will come!!