Little Miss Chloe

Visiting daddy at work
Playing with mommy at her work

Hanging out with Kelly & Haley

Sienna, Aunt Tara & ME
First off here are the stats for the 9 months appt:
Weight- 17.03 (22% so good for Chloe:)
Height- 28 (67%)
HC- 45 (79%)
The doctors were so proud of how well she is growing. It was a slow start at first.... but.... once we introduced solids everything has really picked up.
-Chloe has definitely picked up the pace with crawling. It's no longer the army crawl with the scoot/crawl.
-She can pull herself up to just about anything, it depends on how badly she wants something.
-She loves to sit in weird positions on her knees... I think it's to keep her balance from falling forward or backward.
-She loves to say mama & dada :)
-Still loves loves loves reading books, she loves to flip the page!
-Loves to giggle when we do silly faces ;)
-First Halloween & she was the cutest ladybug (post coming of pictures)
-Still no teeth... still loves to suck on wash cloths.
-The hair is really growing fast... can't wait for some fun hairstyles?
-Still loves her green beans & puffs
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