Friday, October 2, 2009

Here is my belly at 23 weeks!!


Michelle K. said...

You are little for 23 weeks! But you are showing. Yay! Glad everything is going well with your little girl.

jamaud said...

What belly?!? I'm so glad you posted a picture. Love ya!

Jodi Rae said...

Hey Deanna! I have been a major slacker blogger, and changed it, etc. Anyway, just saw that you are expecting! Congrats to you guys, that is so exciting! And I just love little girls, they are so sweet :). Best wishes!

Cory and Katie said...

Cute pic. You are such a cute pregnant girl!

Nelson's said...

Dee you are so cute! I love it!

Jason, Elisa, Connor and Megan said...

Yeah!!! You look so cute! Can't wait to see you soon!!!

ChicChat said...

DeAnna, That is the cutest little belly I have ever seen! I hope you are feeling good and the pregnancy is going well!