Friday, October 2, 2009
Posted by DeAnna at 9:05 PM 7 comments
My mom mentioned when I spoke with her at the beginning of this week that she was in the tournament this weekend & they were short one player. Me being the silly one offered jokingly that I was her woman! She said she would let me know if they needed me for sure. I told Chase & he got all excited that I was going to maybe golf in the same tournament as he & my mom.
But my mom never said anything throughout the week about needed a 4th player so I just assumed they found someone else that actually practices.
Well, come Friday night when we get to Delta my mom asks, "So did you bring your golf clubs?" I looked at her & said are you serious? Of course I didn't because I didn't hear from her & really wished I would of because I never get to use my cute pink clubs. But me being the good daughter still offered to golf in the morning.
So that should explain my outfit in this first picture. YES, I am wearing flip-flops because they are the most comfortable to me especially when I golf- everyone thinks that I am crazy. I did take my running shoes though in case they were desperately needed. This is the second time that I have golfed 18 holes. I actually really enjoyed it & didn't do too bad. The best part was all of the laughs & seeing Chase golf with his brothers at the same time. Thanks mom but give me a heads up next time and then maybe we might win something:)
Posted by DeAnna at 5:38 PM 0 comments
These were the ultrasound pictures we got when we found out it was a girl. I have been meaning to post them forever, so here they are! The name still isn't for sure, it would be, if Chase had his way. The nursery is half painted- meaning that I made a decision so Chase could get started.
It's crazy all of the emotion & feelings that come with being pregnant. I haven't been sick but have noticed a difference between the 1st & 2nd trimester. I was so tired for the first 3 months & now I feel like I have more energy. It's been great getting back to the gym & getting a workout in everyday. I sleep so much better at night. I am definitely not as bad with mood swings. I am really starting to realize how close this day is coming when we're going to have a little one around the house & in our lives. We have lots of friends w/ babies right now & it just makes me so excited! I get even more excited when Chase is around because the baby moves so much! I think we might have a daddy's girl on our hands. She loves to hear his voice! I guess I can't blame her:) Through all of the emotion & stress of being pregnant I catch myself thinking too much about the nursery, colors, bedding etc. But lately I have had a different perspective on our lives. I feel so caught up in those decisions that I forget about the miracle of life & the belief of eternal families. I think more about how my dad has already met her & told her all about her family. I think more about what I can do now to prepare to be a better parent/person/wife. I think more about how my kids are going to turn out, especially with the trials life has to offer. I think about how I am going to raise these kids so they will have good morals & want to make good decisions. Well, I guess I am just thinking too much is what it comes down to. But after all these thoughts & some tears I still can't describe how excited I am to start this journey of our lives. I know it's going to be hard, humbling & lots of fun- but I know with the faith & testimony I have that everything will turn out how it's supposed to!

I love this second picture because it shows her cute little legs! It was so cute when they took this picture because she kept crossing her legs!!

At first I had a hard time with the 3-D pictures but I guess it's totally different once it's your baby! She kept covering her face (shy baby??) so this is the only one we got with her face!

Posted by DeAnna at 5:05 PM 1 comments
SEPTEMBER 11, 2009
They had a gorgeous reception in Mallorie's backyard in Oak City. Here is me & Chase with our cheesy smiles. Our little girl is going to have the biggest smile:) Chase is always teasing me by saying that you can see all of my teeth when I smile!! I don't know if that's a good thing or not??
Another picture of two great guys!!
Posted by DeAnna at 4:48 PM 0 comments
Posted by DeAnna at 4:39 PM 1 comments
Labor Day/ Christensen Get-Together
Here is me & Chaser at his Aunt Ann's house in St. George. They had a party for the big BYU football game. Once again Chase was the entertainment when it came to the pool. I love how he just makes everyone laugh & smile!!
Like I said it was a Christensen get-together the whole weekend. Here is a picture of a bunch of the cousins!!
Me & Chase going down the fun slide. It was actually really fun. Chase is definitely a kid at heart & always reminds me to relax & have fun! He is going to be the best dad, I just can't wait!!
This evening we went to another Tuachan show & saw "Foot Loose", it was another great production.
Posted by DeAnna at 4:18 PM 0 comments
Puffer Lake 2009-
Of course I am late posting some of our latest outings. But better late than never, right? This year for our Smith family trip we went to Puffer Lake. Of course it was short like usual but worth every minute. Chase caught all of the fish & very proud of it! Couldn't believe how cold it was for the middle of summer but that's what you get when you're that high in elevation.
This next picture explains my husband very well. He is so easy-going & does whatever but at the same time he is so out-going, fun & exciting. I just love him so much!! Thanks Chase & the rest of my family for a fun trip!!
Posted by DeAnna at 4:05 PM 0 comments