Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Easter 2013

Since living in Delta we definitely get to make most activities with both families.  The girls went to several Easter Egg hunts and loved them!!  Kinley finally figured out the whole idea on the last one.

Care Center 
Easter Egg Hunt

The girls love to go see Grandpa Bill at the Care Center

3 Generations

Movie time with the cousins

Delta Easter Egg Hunt


The Sand Dunes
Delta, Utah

The Christensens are continuing their Sand Dune tradition during Easter weekend.  Can't forget the fried chicken, deviled eggs, potato salad, chips and yummy cookies.  

Kinley was SUPER concerned about someone taking her Easter basket.... she did NOT want to part with it.

Easter morning, the Easter Bunny came and left a trail of Easter Eggs!!

He left fun Baskets with treats, toys and of course our Easter Dresses!

The girls were excited to go show Grandpa Bill their new dresses and take him his Easter Basket the bunny left at our house for him.


Smith Easter Weekend!!
We had our annual Easter Egg Hunt.  
We won some super awesome prizes!!  I love this tradition!!!

Yay, Grandma, Aunt Randie and Oakley riding the wiggle bikes.

Yummy popsicles with the cousins and frosting HUGE Sugar Bunny Cookies