Our little girl is 2!!!
Like you hear all the time..... "you better watch out they grow up so fast!" I use to always be in denial when I heard that but it's honestly true!!
Because her birthday was on a Sunday we were able to go home and celebrate with both of our families. The spoiled little girl got two parties and loved every minute of it.
She loves Sesame Street & especially ELMO so she got an Elmo Birthday Party.
She loved the "jumpoline" at the Christensens & so did all the cousins.
I love this picture, it shows such sweet innocence... who knows though it was probably right before/after she was pulling Sienna's hair:)
Then there's this cute little sweetie that I can't get enough of. She just sat in the high chair & loved watching everything.

Pin the nose on the clown was a huge hit!!!
Chloe loves her Aunt Tara
Sienna & Chloe opening her fun gifts
One of the fun sides to our yummy soup. Chloe was determined to have an "ELMO" party!!
She's just waiting patiently for everyone to take their places. She was so excited for her Elmo Cake!!
It was super funny- She couldn't blow out the candle. She kept blowing the air up with her lips. Finally her cousins were sick of it & Kelly came out from nowhere & did it for her. It was pretty fun!!
They were having so much fun rolling around!
Drew & Chloe had lots of fun drawing on this cool pad. It's
has water in the pen & only draws on the pad.
Grandma Smith made the cutest & yummiest Elmo cake. Thank goodness we celebrated over two days, there was sure lots of yummy treats!!
Chloe just loved everything about her birthday. She loves to tell people she is 2! She is still working on how to hold that many fingers up but it'll come.
Chloe sure loves her daddy. All day long she'll ask me where he is.... she waits by the door patiently when she finally hears the car pull in the garage.
Chloe truly is such a sweet, sweet, loving girl.....
but at the same time she can have such a strong personality & it is her way or no way!!
She loves to give loves & kisses.
She loves to say hello to anybody that walks by us in the stores.
She loves her grandparents SO MUCH!
She LOVES to sing her ABC'S!
She loves KETCHUP and more ketchup.
She'll eat pancakes for most any meal, even if it's all 3 in one day.
She LOVES nursery.
She loves to color.
She's getting better at smiling for the camera, (still working on keeping her eyes open)
She likes to eat "Chi-Chis" aka cookies.
She loves to play with anyones hair that will let her.
She loves her books, especially her Max & Millie books.
She loves her little sister even if she shows her love by occasionally biting her:(
She loves to sing, "JESUS" aka "I am a Child of God" & "A Childs Prayer"
She almost has all of her teeth... still waiting on the canines to come through completely.
Slowly working on potty training.
She loves to help mom cook & clean!!
Stats for 2 year checkup
Weight: 24.06 (21%)
Height: 33 1/2 (42%)
HC: 48 3/4 (82%)
Like normal she's still on track for being a petite little girl.......