Chloe is 18 months old....
can you believe it

My sassy Chloe

I can't believe my baby girl is getting so big. We love this little girl so much that words can't describe. She is such a great big sister to Kinley (she has only bit Kinley 1 time:)).
Everyday she continues to surprise us with more & more things......
She can now open all kinds of doors
She loves to play "kitchen"
She loves her big girl (toddler) bed.... especially the fluffy pillow
She LOVES milk in her sippy cup & to cuddle in her big red, minky blankie
She is getting better at getting her hair done:) (doesn't really have a choice)
She loves to try any type of shoe on around the house
She loves nursery
She has "almost" all of her teeth
Names she goes by: Chloe bear, Clo Clo, Sis, Sweetie & Lil' Sweet Pea
Still a picky eater but she still loves her raisins & almost all breakfast foods
She LOVES computers, keyboards, the mouse, anything electronic. If you can't find her she's usually at the computer
She loves to count.... well she gets "2" right & then she just repeats the number 2 each time... it's really cute.
Words she can say: Chloe, Mama, Daddy, please, more, thank you, I love you (in Chloe language:)), good night, cheese (for food & for the camera), lots of animals & their sounds & lots of peoples names.
She could eat popsicles ALL Day long
She loves to feed her baby a bottle & burp them when I am feeding Kinley
Still a huge fan of Sesame Street (some Barney & Dora)
She loves the playground, especially the swing & trampoline
She loves to be the one to turn off the light or push the button to the garage or ring the door bell.
Loves to sit in the front seat of the car & pretend she is driving
She still loves her books
Loves to eat her toothpaste out of the tube:)
Loves to play with the sink fausett & bath tub & fill everything full of water aka make a terrible slipper mess!
She RUNS EVERYWHERE she goes.... I can't keep up with her. Very rarely does she just sit down when not locked in her car seat or stroller
Loves to give Kinely her binky even if it is forced & not wanted
She loves to be pushed in her stroller by the neighbor kids but not mommy or daddy.
I am sure there are a lot more things to add to the list but this is what I can think of now. I'll just have to keep adding once they come to mind.
We sure love you Chloe, you keep us on our toes!!
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