(Chloe was about 2 weeks old)

No question we have the cutest girl in the WORLD!! I was so happy to not have school today so we could stay home & be together. We started with making yummy sugar cookies & delivering them to friends. We had so much fun playing. It's pretty hard to get Chloe to giggle out loud.... but today she wouldn't stop!!! When Chase got home he brought her a ballon that she was super excited about & me a card with a gift certificate :) We ended the night at the bowling alley with some friends. Chase showed them his mad skills while I ran after Chloe... it was lots of fun.
A little about what Chloe has been up to.... I love this girl so so much!! She is everywhere & so much fun. She still only has the bottom, front two teeth. I think the top four might break in soon & all at the same time... OUCH!! She's a tough girl though. She's starting to like normal food more & more, especially lasagna & yogurt. She's also just about off the bottle. She loves to sit in your lap while you tie your shoes, read her books or play games with her. She can be a cuddler when she's not her busy self. We're so thankful for this little girl. She may not giggle out loud much, but she's ALWAYS smiling!!! Love you Chloe, happy valentines!!