Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jordan High Alumni Golf Tournament
August 7, 2010

Both of my parents (and a brother) graduated from Jordan High in Sandy. They started doing a golf tournament about 3 years ago at the River Oaks Golf Course. My mom has always done it with her classmates but this year she invited me, Chase and his brother Jake to be her teammates. We had SO much fun! The weather was so perfect. I am not always way excited about 18 holes (because it seems like forever to me) but today it just flew by. I love doing scrambles, I am a fan that's for sure!! I might now help the team out a hole lot but I love being a part of it... I especially love being with my husband & sharing one of his favorite hobbies!

This was the victory of the day... Chase chipped the ball in from about 35 yards out. WAY TO GO CHASE!!

We took 2nd in the tournament with about 18 teams.
We ended up winning a game of 18 holes at any golf course in the Salt Lake Valley. I never thought I would say this.... but I can't wait to go golfing again. I know the next tournament is on October 8.... CAN'T WAIT!!!

AUGUST 7, 2010

After the golf Tournament we had a BBQ at Jeremy's house & then went to the Draper Cemetery. It feels like we were just here for my dads funeral. I can't believe that it has been 11 years. My dad was only 44 years old when he passed away. I guess Heavenly Father just needed him more on the other side. When we visit the grave as a family it's always so fun for us to all share our memories with each other & especially the grandkids.
I love & miss my dad so much! I have my rough days when I still don't understand WHY? Thank goodness for the Plan of Salvation! I am so grateful that Chloe got to meet him before she came to earth!! I can't wait to see him again. I LOVE YOU DAD!!

My adorable mom and daughter!! I love them so MUCH!!


(for info on our photographer visit

Family Pictures 2010

The family just keeps getting bigger & bigger.
There are now 11 grandchildren.. 9 of which are girls!!!