Sunday, February 14, 2010

Our baby Chloe at 5 days old!!
Our photographer Abbey did an awesome job like usual.
Chloe also had her first Doctors appointment on Monday, Feb 1, 2010.
When she was born she weighed 6 lbs. 7 oz. at this appointment she only lost a couple of oz.
She weighed 6 lbs. 4 oz but grew 1 1/2 inches (from 19.5 to 21 inches)


Karolina said...

LOVE the pictures! You all look amazing!

Alan and Mindee said...

Oh my! Those pictures are precious. Glad to see she is doing well! So cute.

MINDY SAVAGE and Kids said...

DEE! She is precious! I hope you are all doing well and adjusting to life. We still need to get to the Temple.

Andrea said...

Oh, she's s cute Dee! Isn't being a mommy fun!!? Enjoy every second of the newborn stage. It'll be over before you know it and she'll be holding her own head up, awake for way longer periods, and making more noise... letting you know she's there!
I love when they're so cuddly and cute... so sleepy and sweet! Enjoy it. She's adorable!!
Nothing like your first baby! :)

Spencer and Melina said...

Wow, isn't this an amazing time of life! Nothing can prepare us for the joy and love these little beings bring to our life. She is a doll.

Brittany said...

Oh Dee she is so perfect! I love those pictures of her. She has the cutest little face. I'm so excited everything went good for you! I can't wait to meet her!

Aimee said...

Dee, she is so adorable! Congratulations!!

Cambria said...

I'm sure Chace is an AMANZING dad! I remember when he'd stay at our house for a few days he was always super nice to me- even when all my brothers were picking on me! He was/is the BEST!


your long lost cousin...

Jason, Elisa, Connor and Megan said...

Those pictures are so cute! Chloe looks so sweet and cute. Being a mom really is the best thing in the world. :o)