Here is the story of when Chloe surprised us & came earlier than expected. We were planning on being induced on February 4, but she had something else in mind!!
After getting home from work on Thursday, January 28, and after getting ready for bed, Chase gave Chloe a little lecture on how much he wanted her to come out and play. Sure enough, 4 hours later I was getting up to go to the bathroom and from the bed to the toilet, my water broke. The time was 3 a.m. After waking up Chase, and contemplating whether or not it was my water that broke, (I wasn't in any pain that's why I wasn't sure?) we called Labor and Delivery and they insisted that I come in.
The next hour, Chase & I took our time getting to the hospital by getting the house ready for our new arrival. We got to the hospital about 4 o'clock. At this point we still haven't contacted anyone in our family, only because we wanted to make sure we were going to be admitted. At about 4 o'clock, the nurses had checked, and sure enough, we weren't going home. I was already dilated to a 3 and contracting about 5-6 minutes apart.
At about 7 o'clock, the doctor came and with no progress and the baby still being really high, they decided to put me on petosin. The petosin started working immediately and my contractions were soon 2 minutes apart. I then decided to get the epidural. The epidural kicked in around 10 minutes later, but I could only feel the numbness in the right side of my body. So unfortunately I could still feel the contractions on the left side. After they gave me another dose, they decided to check me and I was dilated to a 10!! I then asked if we could get my left side numb before we started to push. The anesthetist came back for the 3rd time and explained that the epidural couldn't keep up with the progress of my labor, so he gave me two more doses. In the mean time, Chloe's heart rate was starting to drop, which worried the nurses. After a series of hard pushes, Chloe was about to come through the birth canal, but with her rate dropping like it was, the Doctor was inclined to use the forceps to get her out quicker.
At 10:12 a.m. our little angel Chloe was born. She weighed 6 pounds 7 ounces and was 19.5 inches tall. Thank goodness everything happened so fast, because her umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck. Everything about our little Chloe is perfect. The hospital experience was relaxing and calm, and we were out of there the next day around 2 p.m.
So that's the story & here's the good stuff..... THE PICTURES!!!!!!
My first time holding my little sweet pea... Chloe
Our first Family Picture

Me with my Chloe
Just a little girl... weighing 6 lbs 7 oz & 19 1/2 inches long

A close up of her sweet face
First bath with daddy
The cutest picture in the world. These are my two favorite people!!Chloe getting her foot & hand prints!

Uncle Jayson & Grandma Smith with Chloe

Grandma Chris & Chloe
Grandpa Mike & Chloe
Chloe in her first outfit getting ready to go home!! She kept scratching her face though, that is why she has socks on her hands!!
The 3 of us getting ready to leave the hospital!! Yay!! We were so excited to get home. One night at the hospital was plenty for us!!