Thursday, August 13, 2009

New Baby Pictures!!!

Well, this appointment wasn't exactly planned if you notice by the time on the pictures... but we ended up with some cute Ultrasound pictures that confirmed that our baby was okay!! Not only were we confirmed with the heart beat but with the cute "I love you sign" & the cute pucker of the lips in the profile picture. Thanks Callie for our cute pictures!
I am now 16 weeks & still doing great! We will be finding out in the next couple of weeks if we are having a boy or a girl. I told Chase to plan on a girl where I have 8 neices & 1 nephew and Chase has 3 neices on his side. Anybody want to make a guess???


Tuttles said...

I'm so excited for you! You will such an awesome mom!

MINDY SAVAGE and Kids said...

Oh no I hope things are good for you guys. Can't wait to hear what that cute little thing is!! Keep us posted!

Jason, Elisa, Connor and Megan said...

I love those little pictures and the I love you sign! Glad everything is going ok. I am excited to find out what you are having!

Michelle K. said...

I am glad that everything is OK with you and your little one. I am usually wrong when I guess, except with my own pregnancy, but I will guess you are having a boy! We'll see!

Spencer and Melina said...

Congrats girl!! I am just 2 weeks behind you. What an adventure we both have coming up, it's so crazy. Good luck.

Liz Szilagyi said...

Dee!!!! (and Chase of course) I am so happy for you two!!! You will have the cutest little kids. Hmmm, I think it will be a girl. The first one anyway. I'm so excited to hear more about how it all goes. January really isn't that far away.