Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Our little Boston RED SOX Fan....
Go ReD sOx!!!

Chloe started rice cereal & likes it "most of the time"
It's been fun adding cereal to her feedings.
I can't wait to start veggies & then fruit, especially so I can make it!!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Happy 80th Birthday
Grandma Barbara!!

Chase's grandma turned 80 this last week & we got to celebrate with a family party. It was so fun to see all the family together... but more than anything it was so fun to learn more about grandma's life. I was
able to make a scrapbook for the
occasion with pictures from her childhood, etc. Not only is grandma gorgeous now but she was such a beautiful person then too. She has lived such an amazing life. She has accomplished a lot & has a lot to show for it. We love you so much grandma... may you have many more happy birthdays!!!

Chloe & Great Grandma Barbara

Chase with his brothers, dad & Grandma

Our cute little Family

Grandma Barbara with her kids & their spouses

The car hadn't moved yet & this was our little princess!!
We LOVE her SO much!! :)

Happy Birthday

Well, my family spoiled me again this year.
Yep that's right the big 27!!
On Sunday my mom made a yummy dinner & topped it off with an amazing coconut birthday cake. It was fun celebrating my birthday a day early with my family... thanks MOM!
Love ya tons!! Sorry about the picture, Chase was the photographer!

Monday was my actual birthday & it was so much fun! It started off with Chase making me a yummy breakfast!! He makes the best pancakes EVER!! Then my cousin Elisa stopped by on her way home to Draper & had lunch with me. We hardly ever see each other so we tried to catch up as best as we could. It's crazy with kids too so that is why we couldn't get a picture together.. Thanks Elisa for coming, that was so fun & really meant a lot!! Love ya!!

Then my wonderful husband made arrangements with our way good friends Julie & Craig to watch Chloe. (The first time we have ever really left her, thanks so much you guys- we love you!!) I have been craving Sushi for who knows how long!! So Chaser surprised me! It was so so yummy!!

I know I am weird... but I really think I could eat this everyday!!

Then we got back to their house (we couldn't stand being gone from Chloe, we missed her too much, so it was only like 1 1/2 hours) and Julie made the yummiest cupcakes ever!! Thanks again you guys!!

Chloe & her bestest friend Kamree!! Don't they look so cute & cozy in their pj's!!

Thanks again everybody for such a fun & wonderful b-day!!!

Chloe & cousins

We're super blessed to have family close. Here is Chloe with some cousins.

Drew is 5 months older than Chloe... they'll have so much fun together when they get bigger.... can't wait :)

Oakley, Drew, Kara & Chloe

Kara couldn't get enough of Chloe

Everyone loves Uncle Jayson

I love this picture of the girls!!
Especially with Chloe sticking out her tongue!!

Chase's Jet Ride

Chase's uncle came to town & gave the guys a ride in his new jet. Chase was like a little kid on Christmas. His family is WAY in to planes so this was definitely the highlight of the day!!

Chloe & her TUTU

Chloe has her 5 month pictures coming up so I made her a tutu for them. My mom helped sparkle it up with some rhinestones. This was just a practice fit before the real thing. I can't wait to see how they turn out. Now the next project is the headband....wish me luck!

You can't really tell in these pictures... but she really is getting lots of hair. It just happens to be really blonde.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

4-Month Check up

We had our check up and she is slowly getting bigger.

Weight: 11.6 (7%)
Height: 24 3/4 (50%)
HC: 39 1/4 (10%)

I know I know.... she looks just like her daddy. I hear it all the time, don't worry it doesn't hurt my feelings. :)

Even though these pictures were taken when she was 3 months old with Chase at his work I couldn't resist to not post them :)

Chloe & Grandpa Bill

Chloe finally got to meet Great Grandpa Bill. She loves being held by him. He has such a love and gentleness with little babies.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Memorial Day

We had a great time in Delta for Memorial Day. The weather was so pretty & enjoyable. We had fun bbq's with both families & saw lots of relatives.
Chloe got her first "cold" which wasn't the funnest but she continued to be her cute smiling self & didn't seem too upset. We're so lucky to have such a good natured little girl!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

4 Months Old!!

Life continues to pass us by at a fast pace & I am not sure if I am liking it.
My little princess is getting so big. I love the personality & baby that she is becoming. But am not sure if I want it to go this quickly. Just this week I can see so many changes in Chloe.
-I don't have to help her hold her toys anymore, she can hold on real tight all by herself.
-When she cries (people ask if she really does & I promise she does.... when she's tired) but anyway when she cries she has that baby jibberish talk at the same time.
-She loves to sit in her stroller facing forward with no car seat.
-She loves to blow bubbles & can now blow raspberries with her lips.
-I get her to "really" giggle when I tickle & kiss her neck.
-Her neck muscles are so strong & she loves to hold her head up when in her bouncer or swing.
-Still loves Tummy time.
-Has rolled over??? You tell me by looking at the picture below.....

The story is...
Yesterday she started getting "stinky" so I figured I would let her do her thing. So I let her lie in the middle of the chase part (of course on her back) of our couch while I went to check on something in the kitchen. I was maybe 3 minutes & when I came back to check on her this is what I found. You can't really tell, I had to
take the picture before she fell. Thank goodness my camera was right there. But her legs were dangling off the couch and she was just hanging on with her arms. So I guess she can roll over??? :)

**I also got a little picture happy so enjoy my precious little princess!!**