4 Months Old!!
Life continues to pass us by at a fast pace & I am not sure if I am liking it.
My little princess is getting so big. I love the personality & baby that she is becoming. But am not sure if I want it to go this quickly. Just this week I can see so many changes in Chloe.
-I don't have to help her hold her toys anymore, she can hold on real tight all by herself.
-When she cries (people ask if she really does & I promise she does.... when she's tired) but anyway when she cries she has that baby jibberish talk at the same time.
-She loves to sit in her stroller facing forward with no car seat.
-She loves to blow bubbles & can now blow raspberries with her lips.
-I get her to "really" giggle when I tickle & kiss her neck.
-Her neck muscles are so strong & she loves to hold her head up when in her bouncer or swing.
-Still loves Tummy time.
-Has rolled over??? You tell me by looking at the picture below.....

The story is...Yesterday she started getting "stinky" so I figured I would let her do her thing. So I let her lie in the middle of the chase part (of course on her back) of our couch while I went to check on something in the kitchen. I was maybe 3 minutes & when I came back to check on her this is what I found. You can't really tell, I had to
take the picture before she fell. Thank goodness my camera was right there. But her legs were dangling off the couch and she was just hanging on with her arms. So I guess she can roll over??? :)
**I also got a little picture happy so enjoy my precious little princess!!**