Here are some of our pictures that we just had done. They turned out really good. We just can't wait until our next session, that means that our little baby Chloe Christensen will be here!! Yep that's right we have a name now it's just a matter of getting her here, just 7 more weeks!!
(These were taken at 30 weeks)

We tried to add some fun props, of course golf was the first thing that came to mind!!
I am still doing really well. I have had the best pregnancy!! To this day I have still never thrown up. Just felt nausea & some headaches. The nursery is just about done. Chase has been such a sport to help out. Now it's just the finishing touches like pictures, etc. I am still working & will continue until I deliver. I can't believe how fast time is going. As soon as the holidays are over I know that day will be here so fast!! As of right now I am still right on schedule!! I keep telling myself to plan on February, you just never know?
Our friend & photographer was really awesome. To check out her blog I have her link under AK Studios!