Well I can't believe that March is just about over and I haven't posted anything. This month just flew by.... Chase has been working 65 hours + every week (got to love tax season and overtime!!) I have been working tons, doing arts and crafts and working out!! I hate not seeing Chase until 10 every night but it's nice not being rushed at the gym, there's nothing like a 3 hour workout!
There is somebody though that I want to send my prayers to and that is my wonderful sister, Audrey! My sister and I have never really lived that close to eachother. She got married and moved to Texas when I was in 6th grade. When our dad passed away she moved back to Utah for a couple of years & then I moved to Connecticut. When I got home from CT. she moved to Canada and then I left for Sweden. When I got home from my mission in Sweden she moved back to Texas! Instead of feeling picked on because I feel like I never see her, I have been trying to feel more blessed that I get to talk to her so often. My sister is one of a kind! She just had a birthday this month so Happy Birthday! I honestly can't even tell you how old she is? But anyway, I just want to tell her how much I love her! She has the cutest family! She was just blessed with the first grandson in the family. When we went to visit in December Nathaniel was just a couple of days old. This little guy was definitely sent from our Heavenly Father and has a plan for him. From early on in her pregnancy they could tell that he was going to have heart problems. The Lord has definitely prepared them for this time in their life. He has already had one surgery when he was 3 days old and now he is getting ready for his next surgery this coming week. Again this is when I feel so picked on that we don't live closer. I would give anything to just run over and babysit the girls while Aud and James go to the hospital with Nathaniel. So I just want to tell the Ashby family how much I Love Them! I know this next surgery came a little earlier than planned- but you guys just hang in there. You know that we are here for you! Baby Nathaniel is in our prayers! He is such a tough little guy. I just continue to remind myself that he knew when he was in Heaven with our Heavenly Father what his life would be like. Again, Audrey I love you so much and look up to you and your strong faith. You are the best example to all of those around you. You're 3 little girls and baby boy couldn't have a better mother and father!
2 years ago